Tuesday 17 November 2009

Thailand Travel Tips And Advise

This lens provides travel advice on ten things that one should not do in Thailand and why one should not do them.

Thailand is generally a laid back country where people don't get uptight about small things going wrong and daily inconveniences; this is one of the things that make it an attractive country to live in or to visit.

I have highlighted some of the best things about Thailand in other lenses, 10 Memorable Things to see/do in Bangkok and Where to Watch Birds in Thailand, however, there are a number of things which are foolish to do and will either impare your enjoyment of the country or will leave a negative influence upon it when you leave: in this lens I will attempt to give you some advice that will help you avoid those things. Some of these things are cultural differences, some of these are just common sense and some of these are specific to certain scams that prevail in Thailand

1. Don't Get Involved With Drugs
Australian Drug Smugglers in Thai Prison
Don't Get Involved With Drugs And End Up In Prison Like These People
Books on Thai Prisons

2. Don't Have your Photo Taken With Wildlife
Help Wildlife Rather than Contribute to its Persecution
Cuddly Animal Toys

3. Don't Feed Street Elephants
Help Thai Elephants
Asian Elephant Video Clips
Elephants in Thailand

4. Don't Point your Feet at People
Learn More about Thai Cultural Nuances

5. Don't Let Tuk-tuk Drivers take you to a Gem Shop
Avoiding Scams in Thailand

6. Don't Get Angry
Read This!
Anger Management

7. Don't go to an Upstairs Bar in Patpong Road
Three Things You Should Not Do in a Gogo BarOnce Again: Don't go to Upstairs Bars in Patpong Road
Patpong Night Market - Now this is Perfectly Safe

8. Don't Negotiate a Fare with a Taxi Driver
Bangkok Taxi Fare Scam
A Bangkok Taxi Memento
Bangkok Skytrain

9. Don't Expect to be Treated with Respect if you are Dressed Untidily
Don't Look Like Scum

10. Don't Commit Lese Majeste
a.An offense or crime committed against the ruler or supreme power of a state.
b.An affront to another's dignity
This really is a touchy subject and one I don't want to elaborate on here; it is sufficient to say that this is a subject taken very seriously in Thailand and the topics concerned should be avoided.

The Wikiepdia entry here Monarchy is worth a thourough read to elaborate on this topic.

Before getting on your high horse about freedom of speech in Thailand, think about how freedom of expression, speech or information are stifled in your own country; if you do a little research you will be surprised. A good place to start is the press freedom index - see where your country is on that.

Which is the Worst Thing to do?

What is the number 1 thing to avoid doing in Thailand?

**Getting Involved With Drugs
**Feeding Street Elephants
**Getting In A Taxi Without The Meter
**OnPointing Your Feet At People
**Falling Victim Of The Gem Scam
**Having Your Photo Taken With Wildlife
**Offending The Monarchy
**Dressing Like A Tramp
**Entering An Upstairs Bar In Patpong
**Getting Angry